Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Reason to Smile

I cannot believe we have 10 more days and it will be Christmas Eve! Time is flying by so quickly. Seems as if I was just getting ready to attend my first class as a college student yesterday and in less than a month I will be starting anew with my second semester.

We have our tree up. It doesn't have any ornaments on it yet, only garland. Why you ask? Well, for some odd reason, a few of the lights decided to burn out and not come back on. We worked and swapped lights to no avail. I am so disgusted with the thing right now that I had already told Kevin that we were chunking it out after Christmas and buying new. I think I may remove all the light bulbs off it and use those as spares for the next one.

I know this has been a very bad year with lots of ups and downs. I am hoping the new year brings us more on the up side. Recently, some things have come abound that required us to visit a lawyer. I am not at all happy about it. I would rather not have, but the circumstances left us no choice. The decision was a hard one but one we felt was necessary. I really don't want to travel down that road but if it is our last option, we just might have to do it. But on to the reason for my blog title.

A few days ago, I emailed my psychology instructor. I had taken my final in that class the week before Thanksgiving and had still not heard anything on the final outcome of my grade. I did know that going into that final I had a 91.7 grade average and since NOONE ever aces her exams(not sure why), but she was going to possible curve the grades after all the students had taken their exams. I anxiously checked my college email everday, looking for that instant reply to my question. I was beginning to lose all hope in getting a response soon. As I awoke this morning, the thought of checking it today crossed my mind. In a way, I figured since I had not gotten any reply yesterday there was probably no way for me to have one today on Sunday, but I figured what the heck! I logged into my account and clicked on the links to get me to my email inbox. OMG! There it was!! An email from my instructor! My hands started shaking, lol, but I managed to open it. Here is what it said: "You got an A. Merry Christmas!" :o You would not believe how shocked I was! With the A in this class, that means I have 5 A's for this semester!! *YAY* I am so thrilled!

Even through all the bad crap, I have a reason to smile!